This apple looks good but its rotten to the core
Apple Bites: Commentary, Insight, and Opinions
Tennessee GOP Filled with Hypocrites Who Don't Care About School Shootings, or Children's Lives.
TN State House Does Not Care about the real issue...
The Tennessee State House`is full of hypocrites. They also have a large numbers of politicians who are full time narcissistic liars. They are liars who don't care about you or the lives of the children of Tennessee. Pick a member from the barrel of apples . Take a rotten apple from the Tennessee state house for example.
House speaker Cameron Sexton claims he is concerned about the safety of children,the people of Tennessee and democracy. Yet he tried to belittle black legislators whose rhetoric he feared. The black lawmakers echoed the voice of the people on gun reform. They were expelled for protesting, and supporting the people of Tennessee to get gun reform.
Sexton on the house floor spoke inappropriately to one legislator with racial implications. He admitted to one black lawmaker that expelling him was not about his protest, but white state republican did not like his failure to obey them. He would not act the way they wanted him. He was uppity. He did his own thinking. This was code for a black man they could not control; one who was not afraid of white people nor would he bend to their will. A black man who is intelligent, confident, secure, respected, and thinks for himself is a racist worst nightmare.
House speaker Cameron Sexton initiated the move to vote out the two black lawmakers and prevent them from representing their district, or the will of the people of Tennessee. The Lord don't love ugly and he will get you for your ugly actions and reveal your ugly secrets. We now know speaker Sexton may be a fraud. He does not live in the district he claims to represent. The people in that district may have been bamboozled for years. Cameron Sexton actually lives 150 miles from the district he claimed to live in and represent. By Tennessee Law you must live in the district you represent. It will be interested to see if the republicans vote to expel Sexton for fraud or law violations. (don't hold your breath)
Sexton's actions and speech on the floor, directed to his black colleagues, who spoke in favor of gun reform ,which the people wanted was racist. The safety of school children, or the color of a person's skin should never be a reason for injustice. The attitude and behavior of Sexton make you think out loud , "rotten to the core".